Our service includes prayer, liturgy, scripture reading, a message, and music. You can join us either in-person or online.
We include a mix of traditional hymns and praise songs. Our choir sings most Sundays. Occasionally, guest instrumentalists also play during the worship service.
On the first Sunday of every month during August – May, we enjoy a churchwide fellowship breakfast before worship sponsored by the Men’s Group. During the summer, we have a cafe style worship with breakfast every Sunday! The breakfast begins at 10:30am in the sanctuary which also doubles as our fellowship space.
We also serve Holy Communion the first Sunday of the month. We serve communion by intinction which means that the pastor or lay server will hand you a piece of bread to be dipped in a common cup. Individually packaged wafer and juice sets are also available for those who prefer to not receive communion by intinction. Gluten free bread is provided for those with gluten sensitivities.
As far as dress is concerned, come to worship dressed in whatever makes you comfortable. You will see everything from business casual to jeans and a t-shirt.
Brooks UMC is happy to welcome children into our Worship Services. In the sanctuary, we have a designated space called the “Prayground”. During Pastor Lesley’s sermon, children are invited to the Prayground to participate with a Children’s Leader in some fun, hands on arts and crafts or other activities which are related to the worship theme of the day. We also have some fidget busters such as play dough, pop it toys, coloring sheets, and other items to help with the worship wiggles. In a culture where age separation is prevalent, encouraging all ages to worship together is a way to reflect the Kingdom of God and allows children the opportunity to be fully engaged in the church community. We believe that families worshiping together” and “all generations worshiping together” are essential for Christian faith formation.
The season of Advent invites us to prepare for the greatest gift ever given—Jesus Christ. In this series, Gift Exchange, we explore how the birth of Christ transforms our lives as we exchange the burdens we carry for the gifts only Christ can give. Each week, we will unwrap a new promise of Advent, exchanging despair for hope, anxiety for peace, fear for joy, shame for love, darkness for light, and meaninglessness for purpose. Join us as we step into this divine exchange and celebrate the life-changing gift of Christ’s presence in our lives.